...O dia amanheceu gostoso, o sol já ia no alto e depois de uma noite em claro, o corpos pediam descanso...Não hesitámos: pegámos no biquini e nos calções, ocultámos as olheiras com uns óculos de sol e perdemo-nos nas paradisíacas praias de Las Islas.
Que melhor maneira de terminar um dia tão perfeito do que passear pelas areias brancas da praia e mergulhar em águas cristalinas?
It was a nice morning, the sun was already on top and after a long night bodies were asking for rest... We did not hesitate: We took the bikini and the shorts, hided our sleep with some sunglasses and went to the paradisiacal beaches of Las Islas. What better way to end a perfect day out than walk in the white sands of the beach and dive in crystal clear waters?

It was a nice morning, the sun was already on top and after a long night bodies were asking for rest... We did not hesitate: We took the bikini and the shorts, hided our sleep with some sunglasses and went to the paradisiacal beaches of Las Islas. What better way to end a perfect day out than walk in the white sands of the beach and dive in crystal clear waters?